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Jun 17, 20232 min read
Guest Post: Independent News Local and Abroad, by Mikaela Nadeau
*One article in this issue of The Boston Broadside is from New Gloucester's own - Dorene Libby It seems that independent news sources are...
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Mar 29, 20231 min read
PRESS RELEASE: A Statement on Targeted Vandalism
The recent news that a targeted vandalism has occurred to a resident in New Gloucester is disheartening. The New Gloucester Republican...
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Feb 25, 20233 min read
Guest Post: Book Banning and Censorship, by Mikaela Nadeau
If there is one thing that has been prevalent in the news of recent times is the topic of book banning. With the heightened attention of...
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Feb 4, 20233 min read
Guest Post: Whatever Happened to Victory Gardens, by Mikaela Nadeau
It seems that chicken’s have made a lot of headlines lately in the news, from the avian flu that decimated numerous commercial...
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Dec 10, 20221 min read
PRESS RELEASE: Statement Regarding Hateful Vandalism on Intervale Road
We want to commend the New Gloucester Municipal Officers for their strong statement and actions condemning the vandalism and swastikas...
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Oct 17, 20225 min read
Guest Post: Education and Neutrality, by Mikaela Nadeau
Over many years we have seen the good intentions of individuals across this country working to educate themselves when it comes to their...
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Oct 17, 20222 min read
Guest Post: A Response to GNG School Employee, by Dorene Libby
Hypocrisy is alive and well in the Gray New Gloucester School District as evidenced by the inaction of district officials to support a...
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Oct 17, 20223 min read
Guest Post: Law Enforcement Appreciation, by Karen Gilles
As a daughter, sister, niece, and friend of law enforcement officers I have seen first hand the sacrifices that are made to protect and...
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Sep 27, 20226 min read
Highlighting the Importance of Transparency and Importance of Freedom of Speech
As members of this community, we find that action must be taken to highlight the importance of transparency, and our right to freedom of...
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Sep 23, 20222 min read
Guest Post: Why Am I A Republican, by Cindy Brakey
I grew up in New Gloucester, as did both of my parents and two of my grandparents. My father, Neal Peaco, was active in local government;...
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Sep 19, 20223 min read
Press Release: Letter to the Selectboard, by Karen Gilles
UPDATE: Thank you Dustin Ward for publicly apologizing. It it a sign of a leader when you can recognize wrong doing and in turn...
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Sep 12, 20222 min read
Guest Post: Perspective, by Don Libby
Every year during the late summer I take a trip to an area up near the Canadian border for the purpose of scouting deer hunting spots....
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Sep 10, 20222 min read
Guest Post: A Letter to DEI Committee, by Mikaela Nadeau
This letter was submitted to the Adhoc DEI Committee's September 9th meeting and read aloud as public comment. To the Adhoc DEI...
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Jun 23, 20222 min read
Guest Post: Understanding the Supreme Court Decision for Maine Families, by Mikaela Nadeau
I sometimes wonder what has happened in today's society when we read headlines, and not the content. A recent court decision for Maine...
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Jun 23, 20222 min read
Guest Post: When All I Can Say Is Wow, by Don Libby
All I can say is wow. Before the election I submitted an article to the GOP blog about what I saw on the national stage and how I was...
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New Gloucester GOP
Jun 1, 20222 min read
Ed Thelander's Memorial Day Statement
Americans have observed Memorial Day for over 150 years because part of the rent for our democracy is to remember that freedom isn’t...
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New Gloucester GOP
Jun 1, 20222 min read
Guest Post: Memorial Day Reflection, by Linda Chase
First, I must say I believe everyone has a right of freedom of speech and a right to assemble. Second, no one group has the right to say...
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New Gloucester GOP
May 31, 20221 min read
Memorial Day Parade
It was New Gloucester’s first Memorial Day Parade since the start of 2020, and the participants were all able to march in a glorious warm...
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New Gloucester GOP
May 30, 20223 min read
Guest Post: Rep. Amy Arata's Memorial Day Speech
Memorial Day, originally called “Decoration Day”, followed the devastation of the Civil War, as a day to spread flowers on the graves of...
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New Gloucester GOP
May 5, 20221 min read
Guest Post: Response to the threat against the Democratic Committee's Potluck, by Cindy Brakey
On Wednesday, April 27th, the New Gloucester Democratic Committee planned to have a potluck at property owned by one of their members....
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