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Writer's pictureNew Gloucester GOP

The Prayer that Saved the Constitution

Cristie Barone recently shared with us a historic prayer that was spoken over the delegates who contributed to the United States Constitution. Please see the text of the prayer and a link to the article below:

"As this is a period, O Lord, big with events, impenetrable by any human scrutiny, we fervently recommend to Thy Fatherly notice that august Body, assembled in this city, who compose our Federal Convention; will it please Thee, O Thou Eternal I AM, to favor them from day to day with Thy immediate presence; be Thou their wisdom and their strength! Enable them to devise such measures as may prove happily instrumental for healing all divisions and promoting the good of the great whole… that the United States of America may furnish the world with one example of a free and permanent government, which shall be the result of human and mutual deliberation, and which shall not, like all other governments, whether ancient or modern, spring out of mere chance or be established by force… We close this, our solemn address, by saying, as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ hath taught us — Our Father, who art in Heaven..."

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