The following is a press release forwarded to the New Gloucester GOP by Rep. Amy Arata.
Rep. Arata appointed to Advisory Panel on Genome-editing
The panel seeks better understanding on the implications of genome-editing technology, then make recommendations
STATEHOUSE - Rep. Amy Arata (R-New Gloucester) has been appointed by Speaker of the House Ryan Fecteau to serve on the Advisory Panel To Better Understand and Make Recommendations Regarding the Implications of Genome-editing Technology for the Citizens of the State as a member of the House of Representatives. The Advisory Panel is the result of L.D. 1771, approved by the Governor on May 3, 2022 (Chapter 177 - Resolves).
“I’m looking forward to applying my MS in genetics, science background, and experience working alongside panel members to understand the implications of genome editing technology, then make recommendations to the legislature,” said Rep. Arata. “It is in the public interest to understand the societal implications of this technology and to strike the right balance between realizing where science can take us, and determining whether we should go there. This technology has the potential to edit diseases out of existence, but can the technology be contained, and should humans tinker with nature?”
The panel will study the implications of genome-editing technology and the legislative, administrative or other steps that the State should take to capitalize on the potential and avoid the hazards of genome-editing technology. The panel will solicit the testimony, advice or participation of stakeholders with relevant experience and expertise in a number of fields.
No later than November 2, 2022, the panel will submit a report that includes its findings and recommendations, including suggested legislation, to the joint standing committee of the 131st Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services, which is authorized to report out legislation to the First Regular Session.
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John C. Bott
Director of Communications
House Republican Office
House of Representatives
2 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0002
LEGISLATIVE : (207) 287-2919
FAX: (207) 287-1449