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Writer's pictureNew Gloucester GOP

Ed Thelander's Memorial Day Statement

Americans have observed Memorial Day for over 150 years because part of the rent for our democracy is to remember that freedom isn’t free. It’s not just a day for barbecues and welcoming summer, but also a time to honor the fallen. For those of us who served our country in harm’s way, Memorial Day conjures in our hearts and minds the brothers we lost. Today I think of two.

Chief Petty Officer Adam Brown gave what Lincoln called his “last full measure of devotion” to America in the Komar Province of Afghanistan in 2010. Even though, and maybe even because, his right eye was failing, he aced the sniper course I taught with outstanding merit. He died in the field so others could live.

Another face I remember today belongs to a 20-year veteran of the SEAL teams named Dave, who put his kids on the school-bus one day, kissed his wife on her way out the door, mowed their lawn, and then took his own life.

Warriors tend to keep our feelings close-held, even when reaching out to someone else is the best thing to do. I also consider these to be combat deaths, and there are far too many of them: more today than at any time in our country’s history.

This is why we remember and honor the fallen by keeping their memories alive, and expressing our gratitude to the families whose loved ones accepted the ultimate sacrifice for us all. They would want this day to be one on which the sun would shine, and their families would be safe under the blessings of liberty.


*This is a statement from Ed Thelander's campaign, and permission was granted to share on the New Gloucester GOP. For more information about Ed Thelander please visit his site today.

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